Resources to help you develop arts and culture in your school

Art and Design Progression Ladders154.82 KB
Dance Progression Ladder194.35 KB
Drama Progression Ladder181.17 KB
Dance Top Tips – Advice and tools on how to develop dance provision at school218.78 KB
SEND Sensory top tips – Top tips on some sensory approaches that can be used when working with children and young people109.18 KB
Artsmark and SEND Provision – A research paper looking at how Artsmark can support school improvement in SEND settings193.53 KB

mighty hub of creativity

Our online Mighty Hub of Creativity is a one-stop-shop for high-quality, creative activities and experiences, from singing workshops to theatre productions to craft ideas. Each activity is categorised by art-form and age group, so it is easy to find just what you’re looking for. Everything on the Hub is appropriate for use at home or at school, so can be used by teachers or shared with parents.

mighty connections

The Artsmark Partnership Programme is an Arts Council England endorsed network of arts and cultural organisations that understand the Artsmark criteria and can support schools and education settings on their Artsmark journey. The Mighty Connections is our searchable database that enables educational settings such as schools, youth centres, youth justice teams, to search for cultural education offers from Artsmark Partners in the East Midlands.

arts council england subject specific guides

Arts Council England also has some teaching resources to develop your arts provision.