What is Creative Mentoring and how does it work?

We help the most unheard children and young people in society to transform their lives through one-to-one and group-based Creative Mentoring.

The tried and tested Creative Mentoring model (pioneered by Derbyshire County Council’s Virtual School and The Amber Factory) has been developed in partnership with and for children and young people in the care system and in need, who are at greatest risk of not being in education, employment or training.

Generously funded by multiple charitable partners including Children in Need, What Works for Children’s Social Care, Foyle Foundation, Arts Council England and Charities Aid Foundation, we have supported almost 200 children and young people aged 5-19 since 2020.

Eligible children and young people referred to the service will be matched with a Creative Mentor to work with on a 1:1 basis for set period of time, from upwards of 24 hours as an initial intervention. Creative Mentors work to build trusting relationships, introduce creative activities according to the child’s interest and facilitate inspiring experiences to support personal, social and emotional development and educational achievement.

Interested in finding out more information on the Creative Mentoring Service and how to get involved? Check out our pages below!

Want to speak with a member of our Creative Mentoring Team to express your interest in our Creative Mentoring service? Email Emily and Levi at creativementoring@themightycreatives.com.

why is creative mentoring needed?

Our Creative Mentoring service is developed in response to the needs and voices of children and young people. Find out why our service has never been needed more.

creative mentoring for primary school aged children

We provide Creative Mentoring for primary aged children (5-11 years) to help them express themselves through the power of creativity.

creative mentoring for secondary school aged children

We provide Creative Mentoring for secondary aged young people (11-16 years) to build their confidence and self-esteem – and empower them to discover their sense of self and belonging in an often confusing world.

creative mentoring for post-16

We provide Creative Mentoring for post-16 young people, aged 16-25, to develop their skills to re-engage in education, employment, training, wider society, and with their peers.

meet our creative mentors

We have a pool of around 70 Creative Mentors (and growing!). Our Creative Mentors are artists, creative practitioners and creative professionals who work within the arts and cultural sector. They all have heaps of experience working with young people and love what they do!

become a referral partner

We work with referral partners across a range of sectors. Our partners include Virtual Schools, Local Authorities, schools, alternative provision settings, residential homes, cultural organisations, CAMHS, and Prevent Services.

creative mentoring model