We know that schools in the East Midlands offer some of the most creative and diverse cultural opportunities for children and young people in the region. But we are also aware that the current climate of reduced budgets, competing priorities and performance measures are putting teachers under increased pressure to continue to deliver these high quality arts and cultural activities.

The Creative Schools Network was developed to support East Midlands schools to share ideas and expertise, profile excellent practice, and offer free training and workshops for those with responsibility for ensuring arts and culture thrive in educational settings.

Creative Schools Network meetings for me felt like a lifeline! A bit dramatic I know, but having the opportunity to meet like-minded people and learn new skills is invaluable and I always look forward to each meeting – I just wish there was one each week!

If you are a teacher, headteacher, support assistant, lunchtime supervisor, governor, volunteer, or any other member of staff working in an East Midlands school, you are invited to join the Creative Schools Network for free. Sign up below to begin receiving the following support:

  • Regular ideas for arts activities written by teachers for teachers
  • Access to free CPD events held in arts venues throughout the East Midlands, including back-stage tours, gallery visits and practical workshops delivered by artists from the region (RRP £65)
  • Discounted tickets for TMC’s conferences and funding workshops
  • TMC’s regular schools e-news containing news from the sector, updates on arts funding and further opportunities available from The Mighty Creatives
  • The opportunity to network and share best practice with other teaching professionals throughout the region

Remember, you don’t have to be an arts specialist or working within specific arts subjects to join the Creative Schools Network; we welcome members from any teaching background that are interested in placing creativity at the heart of learning.

Join our fight for the creative voice of children and young people by becoming a network member today, or contact amy@themightycreatives.com for further information.

    join the network today


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