Developing Cultural Entitlement for Children and Young People in Virtual School Services 

Are you a Virtual School?

Are you wanting to develop and embed your arts, cultural and creative provision for your children and young people?

Do you need additional support with where to begin, who to work with, and how to make it manageable and deliverable for you?


Take a look at our resource, Cultural Entitlement for Care Experienced Children and Young People, downloadable for FREE below. 

So how was the resource developed?  

The resource was developed as part of a pilot project, funded and supported by Artsmark and Arts Council England, which explored how Artsmark can support Virtual School settings. The Mighty Creatives, alongside partners A New Direction and Arts Connect, supported eight Virtual Schools through the pilot. 

Artsmark Award is the only award for arts and cultural provision in England. Through Artsmark, schools and education settings are recognised for their exceptional commitment to arts, culture and creativity through the Award, accredited by Arts Council England. They work over a two-year period using the Artsmark Framework to develop and deepen the work they are doing and, most importantly, evidence the impact. Settings are then awarded one of three Award levels (Silver, Gold or Platinum) at the end of their two-year period. 

To find out more about Artsmark and how you can register as a Virtual School, visit their website by clicking here. 

Throughout the pilot, Virtual Schools used the Artsmark Framework to reflect, develop and evidence the impact of the work they were doing. This ranged from exploring Continuous Professional Development (CPD) options for staff and developing a range of offers for children and young people, to working collaboratively with creative communities and partners – as well as developing engagement methods. These are all key elements of what Virtual Schools already consider and deliver.  

Alongside this, here at The Mighty Creatives, we collected top tips, methods for success and how to overcome barriers to support future Virtual Schools to thrive with their Artsmark journey. 

Our Cultural Entitlement Toolkit for Virtual Schools is a collation of all of these helpful top tips and advice by Virtual Schools for Virtual Schools.  

The toolkit includes: 

  • Information about the Artsmark Framework 
  • Advice on how to develop and deepen your offer in key areas (including case studies from our Virtual School partners) exploring: 
    • Power of Partnerships
    • Embedding Youth Voice
    • Advocating for Arts and Culture
    • Communicating Your Offer
    • Building Capacity 
    • Training Your Staff 
    • Finding Funding 
  • Top tips for targeted support for: 
    • Separated Children (Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children) 
    • Care Leavers 
    • Residential Home Settings 

If you are a Virtual School setting and want to develop your creative provision, check out the links below for support, advice and next steps. 

Download our resource!

Download our FREE resource for Virtual Schools now.  

TMC Cultural Entitlement Toolkit for Virtual Schools3.48 MB

Read a Virtual School Artsmark Case Study!

Want to hear about how Staffordshire Virtual School explore their Artsmark journey? Why not visit Artsmark’s website to read their case study?

Register for Artsmark!

All the information you need to know about Artsmark can be found on their website here. 

Get in touch!

Email us at to explore how we at The Mighty Creatives can help.