mighty meetings event

Arts, Culture and Creativity: developing your school curriculum and enriching teaching and learning

  • Wednesday 5th May 2021 at 3:45pm - 5:45pm
  • £10
Book your ticket now >

Building on that hugely successful training for school governors, and in response to consultation with school leaders from across England, The Mighty Creatives are now delighted to work in partnership with All Ways Making to offer a new CPD programme which focuses on the use of arts and cultural education in school improvement.

The training has been designed for school leaders and middle managers, by All Ways Making director, Christina Birt, who has been designing and delivering training for school governors for more than six years; most recently for Arts Council England and the National Governance Association.

“The module has had a significant impact. 91% said the module has and will change their practice and 98% said they will recommend the module to others.” (National Governance Association)

The programme has been developed and designed:

  • For teachers and school leaders with responsibility for, and who contribute to, curriculum design and review, school improvement / development planning, resource management, subject leads, administrative and strategic leads.
  • For non-arts specialists including those who have little or no knowledge of the arts and cultural education, to develop understanding and practical next steps to address school improvement and improve teaching and learning through arts and cultural education.
  • For arts specialists, as a strategic support tool to aid the sharing of knowledge within schools and among colleagues.
  • For schools during and recovering from the pandemic.


The programme offer includes:

  • 2 hrs online workshop, including an introduction to arts and cultural education, introduction to six key areas where arts and cultural education can support school improvement (health and wellbeing, community and parental engagement, life and employability skills, social mobility, broad and balanced curriculum, SMSC), facilitated self-assessment, and next steps planning and sign posting.
  • Cost: £10 per person. Please note that this is a subsidised rate, benefiting from £27.50 subsidy per person from Arts Council England.
  • The option of follow up coaching (places limited) over 3 sessions. Cost: £50 per person. This too is a subsidised rate, benefiting from £280 subsidy per person from Arts Council England).
  • The option to book your place/s at any one of the following three online workshops on a first come first served basis. There are 8 places per workshop.
    • Tuesday 27 April 16:30-18:30
    • Wednesday 5 May 15:45-17:45
    • Thursday 13 May 18.30-20.30 via Zoom.


Wednesday 5th May 2021


Start 15:45 – 17:45 Finish

Please log in at least 5 minutes before the start time.


This event will be held on Zoom. Those that are booked on will receive an invitation & guidance document prior to the session.

Further information

The follow up coaching sessions will each be for up to one hour, and will take place over the summer term at a time to be agreed with the participating member of staff.