creative mentor network event

Creative Mentor Network – Practical Top Tips: Working with Children and Young People Experiencing Difficulties with Decision Making (1st October 2024)

  • Tuesday 1st October 2024 at 5:00pm - 6:00pm
  • FREE for Creative Mentors (RRP £35 per person)
book now >

This session is only for Creative Mentors on The Mighty Creatives’ Creative Mentoring Pool.

In response to the Creative Mentoring Support Survey, we have worked hard to craft a training programme that responds to the needs of the Creative Mentors. We hope you find the sessions inspiring.

This is part of a 6-part training series offering practical top tips, resources and activities for you to do with your Creative Mentees where applicable.

Context of the Sessions

We know that Creative Mentoring can be challenging at times. Through the nature of our work and those we support, we often come across challenges with:

  • Dysregulation,
  • Anger,
  • Disengagement and Resistance,
  • Decision Making and Exercising Personal Power,
  • Reflections and Celebrating Strengths,
  • Saying Goodbye.

This 6-part series aims to provide and equip Creative Mentors to develop a toolkit of activities and opportunities to offer your Creative Mentees when these challenges arise, but more importantly as part of your consistent practice.

Unlike some of our other training sessions that explore theories and approaches, Creative Mentors will be guided through activities developed specifically for this work, and they will take away a PDF of resources to enable them to continue to respond to their Creative Mentees.

This Session

The theme of focus in this session is Decision Making and Personal Power. We know through many of our Creative Mentees experiences that they have often felt powerless, with many key and life-changing decisions being made for them by professionals who have their best interests at heart. These experiences can often result in feeling unheard, or unworthy of having a voice. This can sometimes make small decisions feel unmanageable and exceptionally difficult.

Whilst we may think providing very open choices is empowering for our Creative Mentees, it’s important to note that sometimes this can be overwhelming.

We will explore some practical exercises that you can do to support decision making in your sessions with Creative Mentees, encouraging and empowering their sense of personal power, whether that be as little of what coloured scissors they would like to use right the way through to where they would like to go for their celebration, for example.

We hope by the end of the session

You will have left the session feeling equipped in supporting your Creative Mentee to making their own decisions and support you to shape your journey together as Creative Mentor and Mentee. We will also be sharing opportunities you can share to increase your Creative Mentees sense of personal power and to feel valued and respected in your relationship together.


Any questions, please email



Tuesday 1st October 2024




The session will be on Zoom.

Please log onto Zoom 5 minutes before the start time to enable a prompt start to the session.Meeting link to be shared.

Additional Information

Booking for this will close on 24th September – so book early to avoid disappointment.