Activities for 5-11 year olds

Explore our videos for 5-11 year olds!

A Morning on the Canal

Lotte, a white woman with brown hair tied back, stands in front of river water with trees, reeds and grass around her as she tells us her story.

12 Fish a Day!

Georgia, a white woman with long, blonde hair demonstrates how to paint a Kingfisher t-shirt. Later, she visits the canal in her new t -shirt and acts like a Kingfisher!

Grey Heron’s Home

Lotte, a white woman with brown, curly hair, stands in front of a river with trees on either side. The sun shines from behind her as she tells us her story.

Eye Spy: Dragonfly!

Georgia, a white woman with long, blonde hair demonstrates how to create a Dragonfly puppet. Later, she plays with the puppets she has made whilst teaching us all about the Dragonfly!

Activities for 12+

Explore our videos for young people aged 12+!

A Morning on the Canal

Lotte, a white woman with brown hair tied back, stands in front of river water with trees, reeds and grass around her as she tells us her story.

12 Fish a Day

Georgia, a white woman with long, blonde hair demonstrates how to paint a Kingfisher t-shirt. Later, she visits the canal in her new t -shirt and acts like a Kingfisher!

Grey Heron’s Home

Lotte, a white woman with brown hair tied back, stands in front of trees and bushes as she tells us her story. The air is cold and her breath creates mist.

Eye Spy: Dragonfly!

Georgia, a white woman with long, blonde hair demonstrates how to create a Dragonfly puppet. Later, she plays with the puppets she has made whilst teaching us all about the Dragonfly!