about Collaborate and Innovate

We’re delighted to be working with our colleagues Arts Connect to deliver an exciting new programme designed to support organisations to deepen their understanding of working with children in care and care-experienced young people.

A fantastic group of 26 arts and cultural organisations across the East Midlands and West Midlands have signed up to learn more about engaging care-experienced young people and make their work more powerful and, crucially, accessible to children in the care system. By working with us, they will develop their organisational skills and knowledge in response to the specific needs of young people who are care-experienced.

what’s on offer

In collaboration with Arts Connect, our programme offer is split into two key phases.

For phase one, a network of 26 arts and cultural organisations across the East and West Midlands are joining us for a professional development training programme, inspired by our very own Creative Mentoring training (and our long-standing work with care-experienced young people) here at TMC.

For phase two, after completing the training, these organisations will be invited to make an expression of interest for an extended action research project with Virtual Schools in the Midlands – all designed to influence national policy.

and how much will it cost?

Good news! It’s a free opportunity, thanks to the support of Arts Council England.

why should organisations take part?

Our research tells us that the specific needs of care-experienced children and young people are not well understood or often overlooked by the cultural sector.  Cultural organisations can play a vital role in engaging care-experienced children and young people through creative experiences and opportunities. And we also know how motivating and inspiring it can be for these young people to work with skilled professionals and in exciting venues!

Our professional development training programme is designed to grow expertise, confidence and knowledge. It’ll also support organisational ambitions around work that authentically includes, and gives a voice to, care-experienced children and young people.


Working with Leicestershire Virtual School has been incredibly powerful. We have developed meaningful and long-term partnerships across organisations professionals and foster carers across the County. Through this, we have been able to creatively support many care-experienced young people in a holistic manner, facilitating a safe space for them to express themselves and build meaningful relationships with peers and adults.

Beth Vecchione, Founder and Director of Care to Dance, on their partnership with Leicestershire Virtual School talking about why partnership working with a Virtual School has been vital to their organisational development.

Who’s delivering the training?

The training will be run by our team here at TMC, where we’ll bring our expertise and learning from our work with care-experienced young people through our Creative Mentoring service.

When and where will the training take place?

Training will take place online across May 2024, providing the following half-day sessions:

  • Thursday 9th May, 13:30-17:00 – Understanding Lived Experiences of Children in Care.
  • Tuesday 14th May, 09:00-12:30 – Safeguarding Best Practice.
  • Friday 24th May, 13:30-17:00 – Trauma Informed Practice and the Vulnerable Brain.
  • Thursday 30th May 09:00-12.30 – Empowering Children and Young People’s Voices.


Further opportunities after the professional development training programme

Once our 26 organisations have taken part in our professional development training programme, they’ll be invited to submit an expression of interest for a 12-month action-research partnership project with a Virtual School (VS) in the Midlands. This project will explore an area of enquiry bespoke to the cultural organisation and partnering VS, shaped around the question “How do we best engage care-experienced children and young people with arts and culture?”

There are 10 places for arts and cultural organisations on this project.

Want to know what else is really great? After our 26 organiations have completed the professional development training programme, we’ll connect them to their local Virtual Schools who are eager to make new partnerships. Completing the training gives Virtual Schools the assurance that these organisations understand safeguarding practices, the context for their children and young people, and committment to achieving shared outcomes.


need more info?

read our FAQs!

If you’re interested in getting involved, you can download our Frequently Asked Questions document for more information.

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