To refer a child or young person for Creative Mentoring, you must work for an organisation registered as a Referral Partner.

We are keen to develop new relationships and work with new Referral Partners.

Take a look below to see how our referral process works!

TMC Creative Mentoring Process A487.50 KB

Referral partners can be from any service or team who work directly with care experienced child and young people and children in need. Such as: Local Authorities, Virtual Schools, Schools, Alternative Provision settings.

To become a Referral Partner, get in touch with: Emily York, Youth Programme Manager and Creative Mentoring Lead


Download our information pack below

TMC Creative Mentoring Pack2.13 MB

Want to find out more about how Creative Mentoring can work for your Virtual School setting? Take a read of a blog written by Kim Johnson from Derbyshire Virtual School, providing a Local Authorities perspective.

Unless specifically stated, © The Mighty Creatives.  All rights reserved.