about the role

The Mighty Creatives’ (TMC) Youth Board are looking to recruit new young people to join the Youth Board on a voluntary basis. We’re looking for people aged 16-25, passionate about having their voice heard, fighting for social justice and transforming the lives of children and young people through creativity and the arts.

let our youth board members tell you what you can expect:


If you’ve never been on a youth board, or if the idea of it feels intimidating, I get it. I was there too. But what I want you to know is this: it’s not as formal or as scary as it might seem. Being part of a youth board isn’t about titles or qualifications – it’s about having a voice. It’s about making sure that your perspective, and the perspective of others like you, is heard. It’s about amplifying the voices of young people, especially those who feel like they don’t have the opportunity to speak up.


If you feel like you don’t fit the mold, like your voice isn’t valid, or like activism and change are for other people, I’m here to tell you that your voice really does matter. You don’t have to be a certain ‘type’ of person to get involved. Your voice is valid simply because you are you. Creativity is about expression, not perfection. And youth voice is about bringing everyone to the table, no matter where you’re from, what you’ve experienced, or what you feel you lack.

the benefits of being part of our Youth Board

  • Learn new skills to help you now and in the future.
  • Gain invaluable knowledge and experiences to help you towards your next steps in your education, employment and training.
  • Receive regular talks from professional experts across the region from a variety of disciplines to share skills, ask questions, network and receive advice from the real experts.
  • Have access to 1:1 and group support/coaching from TMC’s team.
  • Have opportunities to represent TMC at events delivered across the region.
  • Gain vital application and interview skills by sitting on staff interview panels for new positions and grant applications.
  • Be part of a community of likeminded young people.

interested? find out how to apply to join our youth board

You’ll find everything you need to know in our application pack – just scroll down and download it below. If you’re interested in applying to join our Youth Board, you can submit your application by completing our online form. The application form can also be found in word format below; when you’re ready, just submit your application to recruitment@themightycreatives.com by no later than 9am on 3rd March 2025.

Youth Board Application Pack618.06 KB
Youth Board Application Form (word)455.72 KB