local cultural education partnerships

We work closely with a range of cultural organisations and schools to develop Local Cultural Education Partnerships (LCEPs). LCEPs are a response to the Arts Council England’s Cultural Education Challenge, which asks arts & cultural organisations, educational institutions and local authorities to make a difference for children and young people locally. By coming together partnerships can improve the cultural offer locally, share resources, increase investment and be champions for the delivery of cultural education.

we have supported 9 local cultural education partnerships in the east midlands

Find out more about the Cultural Education Partnerships in the East Midlands:

Black Shale – the LCEP for Amber Valley and Bolsover
Captivate – the LCEP for Ashfield and Mansfield
Chesterfield CEP – the LCEP for Chesterfield
Cultural Campus (DCEP) – the LCEP for Derby City
The City Classroom – the LCEP for Leicester(Shire)
ChalleNGe – the LCEP for Nottingham
UNLOCK – the LCEP for Northamptonshire
Lincs CEP – the LCEP for Lincolnshire
High Peak – the LCEP for the High Peak

For further information on our LCEPs, please get in touch: artsalliances@themightycreatives.com

partnership investment

The Mighty Creatives has invested over £1million in partnerships across the East Midlands between 2018 and 2022.

Our partnership investment programmes included:

Cultural Life Fund: the funding programme through which LCEPs and other investment programmes (e.g. Derby Virtual Arts School) have been funded. It has had four rounds, and an additional round of CEP funding.

START: a specific investment in a partnership originally hosted by Children and the Arts.

Sector Support Commission, renamed Creative Communities Fund, has provided smaller grants, often to smaller arts and cultural (A&C) organisations, including for covid-specific projects.

Youth Cultural Life Fund later renamed as Young Empowerment Fund: small grants made to individual young people. These funds have been considered by TMC as part of the Sector Support Commissions/ Creative Communities Fund.

partnership investment evaluation

We commissioned World Pencil to research and evaluate the reach and impact of our partnership investment during this period.

You can download a summary of the report, alongside the full evaluation report, below.


download our Partnership Investment Evaluation and Impact report and summary

partnership framework

Drawing on our experience and learning of supporting LCEPs in the East Midlands we have also developed our Partnership Framework. This framework is intended for use by cultural education partnerships, including but not limited to recognised ‘Cultural Education Partnerships’ (CEPs) established in response to Arts Council England’s 2015 Cultural Education Challenge.

The framework draws principally on findings from an evaluation of The Mighty Creative’s Partnership Investments, 2018-22, including surveys and interviews with investment partners. It also draws on World Pencil’s experience of working with cultural education partnerships across England.

Please complete the form below to download the Partnership Framework.


download our Partnership Framework

collective outcomes tool

We also want to show the impact we are making through our programmes and projects. The Collective Outcomes Tool aims to gather data from art organisations about their work with schools. This data will be aggregated to produce impact statements about cultural education activity across the East Midlands. Read more about the Tool’s origins here.

Collective Outcomes Tool246.55 KB

collective outcomes tool reports

Working with partners across the region we collect data through the Collective Outcome Tool. This is a simple tool for gathering data from art organisations about their work with schools. We use the data to produce reports about cultural education activity across the East Midlands.

Collective Outcomes Tool Report:
Jan – Jul 2018762.65 KB
Collective Outcomes Tool Report:
Sep – Dec 2018456.90 KB

The Collective Outcome Tool was commissioned The Mighty Creatives and designed by Shared Intelligence, and the arts organisations who were kindly involved in a pilot to test it in the Summer school term of 2016.

Young Empowerment Fund Celebration 2021