CEP – Arts Award Start Up Packages

Are you a member of a Cultural Education Partnership and want to kick-start and develop your Arts Award provision?

The Mighty Creatives are offering two Arts Award support packages of up to £750 for partners or members of Cultural Education Partnerships (CEPs) in the East Midlands, who want to deliver the Arts Award qualification for the first time or want to develop their Arts Award provision further.

We would like applications to demonstrate a focus on the sustainability of the environment and/or developing the digital. Applications can include either or both focuses identified. Examples of projects could include exploring outdoor or recyclable art, natural or found objects or the development of digital art skills for example.

This is open to any Young People’s setting that are partners of any of the following CEPs: UNLOCK (Northampton/Shire), The City Classroom (Leicester/Shire), DCEP (Derby City), Black Shale (Amber Valley and Bolsover), Captivate (Mansfield and Ashfield), ChalleNGe (Nottingham City), Chesterfield CEP and Lincolnshire CEP. Young People settings include any of the following: schools, colleges, formal educational settings, youth organisations, cultural venues and community organisations.

On this occasion, the Start Up Packages are not available to the lead organisations of CEPs. However, lead organisations can support partners with their applications to kick-start their Arts Award delivery.

Prior to sending your application, we would highly encourage you to arrange a pre-application phone call with either Laura Bates or Kevin Tennant (contactable initially by email at artsalliances@themightycreatives.com). This provides an opportunity for you to discuss your Arts Award plans for the project in your proposal.

Am I eligible for the Arts Award Start-Up Packages?
– You are eligible if:You are one of the above Young People’s settings
– You don’t currently offer Arts Award and want to deliver Arts Award for the first time
– You currently offer Arts Award, but want to deliver at a different level for the first time

You can apply via the form below. Download our funding info (below) to check your eligibility.  Please note, due to the current crisis, the training dates are to be postponed until September. The deadline for delivery and moderation has been extended by a quarter to 30th June.

Return it to us at artsalliances@themightycreatives.com by Monday 4th May 2020 at 5pm.

Applications will be shortlisted by a panel where we will also take into consideration the wider CEP picture.

CEP Start Up Packages – Schools192.85 KB
CEO Start Up Packages – Other Settings191.82 KB
CEP Start Up Packages Application Form317.67 KB