Festival Day – Boston

Shakesperts share the story of Emerge Boston.

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Emerge Cannock Chase 2019 – The Finale!

Victoria reflects on Emerge, Cannock Chase and what she has learnt along the way.

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Emerge South Holland: Final Artist Vlog

Artist George Barnett gives us a wrap up on all things Emerge South Holland 2019.

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Emerge Festival blog – No4 by Namiwa Jazz

“Working on Walsall Emerge 2019 has been an eye-opening experience, I have learnt so many valuable skills that I will take forward into my professional practice.”

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What are the Arts Award start-up and progression (SUP) packages?

Ingrid de Rauglaudre shares how our Start Up Packages have been benefitting children and young people throughout the region.

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Emerge Festival blog – No3 by Namiwa Jazz

Have you ever planned a festival? Namiwa Jazz shares her experience of working on Emerge Walsall.

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5 things we LOVE about Ashfield

Just some of the reasons to visit this fabulous market town on 6th April, by Olivia Wheeler

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Mansfield Emerge – Preparing the Festival!

2nd blog from Mansfield lead artist Matt Miller.

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Shaking Shakespeare Up

Plans are well under way for Emerge Boston Festival!

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Blog #2 ‘Community Connections and Creating Opportunities’

Aaron updates us on Emerge Dudley, and what we can expect.

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Emerge Cannock Chase: New Year, New Motivation!

“After almost a month away from both of the Labs, I was worried that coming back after the New Year would be problematic; I couldn’t have been more wrong!”

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Emerge Sandwell. finding a Venue and creating content

Smoking Guns give us an update on Emerge Sandwell 2019.

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Emerge Festival Blog – No. 2 By Namiwa Jazz

With the New Year brings a new sense of fresh air to the Walsall Emerge Project.

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Emerge Festival Blog – No. 1 By Namiwa Jazz

Where to begin! Emerge Walsall 2019 has been off to a great start.

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South Holland Emerge 2019 – Artist Vlog 2

George shares what the Emerge South Holland team got up to in December.

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Smoking Guns- Gunpowder Start

Hello world! We are Smoking Guns, a young company based in the East Midlands. We have recently finished University and embarked on the very scary journey of being freelance artists.

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Recording Shakespeare by John

Shakesperts share the latest updates on their Shakespearean monologues

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Shakesperts Shaking Up Shakespeare

What a few months! The students of Thomas Middlecott Academy and Boston College have been working incredibly hard!

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Painting a Picture: Using data to support Cultural Education

The data is there to be used… use it. Make your case.

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South Holland Emerge 2019 – Artist Vlog 1

Embracing the visual & self documenting elements of Emerge South Holland, George shares his first vlog.

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Artist Blog #1 ‘Young Voices’

Having grown up in an area with very little arts engagement and within a school which didn’t back the arts, preventing me to take up any drama classes meant that projects like Emerge were right up my street.

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Mansfield Emerge – Finding a Venue and Getting Underway!

The first blog from lead artist for Mansfield, Matt Miller. Explaining the process so far and announcing an exciting festival venue!

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Interview with Measham CE Primary

Interview with Measham CE Primary School, Leicestershire – recently awarded Gold Artsmark.

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Guest Blog from Richard Russell on Arts Award

Richard Russell, a keynote speaker for our Arts Award Conference, has written a blog on Arts Award.

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